Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lent - Day 27 of 40

On Day 27 of our Lenten Journey, we are to meditate on the fact that we are God's new creation -

God is working in you to create something new this Lent - Isaiah 65:17 - 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lent - Day 26 of 40

On Day 26 of our Lenten a Journey, our focus is "Open our eyes."

Ask Jesus to cure whatever blinds you to Him and His ways - John 9:39 - 

Lent - Day 25 of 40

On Day 25 of our Lenten Journey, our focus is "God, be merciful."

Ask God and those you have hurt for forgiveness today - Psalm 51:3-4 - 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lent - Day 24 of 40

On Day 24 of our Lenten Journey, we are to love God above all else - 

You must put God first in your life and nothing else - Mark 12:29-30 -

Lent - Day 23 of 40

On Day 23 of our Lenten Journey, we are to listen to God's voice - 

Pay special attention today to what God is trying to say to you - Psalm 95:8-9 -

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent - Day 22 of 40

On Day 22 of our Lenten Journey, we are to teach our children -

Moses encourages handing on your faith to the next generation - Deuteronomy 4:9 -

Monday, March 24, 2014

Lent - Day 21 of 40

On Day 21 of our Lenten Journey, we are to meditate on the Annunciation - 

Like Mary, trust that there is nothing impossible for God - Luke 1:37-38 -

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lent - Day 20 of 40

On Day 20 of our Lenten Journey, we are reassured that God cleanses us - 

Be cleansed by the healing life of God within you - 2 Kings 5:13-14 - 

Lent - Day 19 of 40

On Day 19 of our Lenten Journey, we are to meditate on the Water of Life -

Jesus is the living water that nourishes and enlivens you - John 4:13-14

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lent - Day 18 of 40

On Day 18 of our Lenten Journey, we are to be as merciful as God is -

Imitate God who is merciful and loving to all persons - Micah 7:18-19 -

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lent - Day 17 of 40

On Day 17 of our Lenten Journey, God desires for us to be good stewards -

God expects you to care for the gifts that you have been given - Matthew 21:43

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lent - Day 16 of 40

On Day 16 of our Lenten Journey, God wants us to realize that He knows our hearts - 

Invite God to enter more fully into your heart today - Jeremiah 17:9-10 -

Lent - Day 15 of 40

On Day 15 of our Lenten Journey, we are to follow the example of St. Joseph -

Like Joseph, we are to take Jesus into our home to be the center of our life - Matthew 1:18-21 -

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lent - Day 14 of 40

Practice What You Preach

Make Your Words And Actions Be In Harmony Today

Matthew 23:2-3

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lent (Day 13 of 40)

Give as God does -

When you give freely, you will receive even more in return.

Luke 6:38

Lent (Day 11 of 40): Love Your Enemies (Ama A Tus Enemigos)

"Jesus wants you to stop all hatred of others and do no harm."
Matthew 5:44-45

"Jesus desea que dejemos el odio a nuestros semejantes y no hagamos dano."
Mateo 5:44-45

Friday, March 14, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014